Month: July 2022

  • Aluminum sheet metal chassis

    Aluminum sheet metal chassis

    The density of aluminum is very small, only 2.7 grams / cubic centimeter. The specific heat capacity of aluminum is 0.88*1000 j/ (kg* ℃), and the density of steel is 7.9 g / cubic centimeter. The specific heat capacity is about 0.46*1000j/ (kg* ℃) in terms of density, steel is nearly three times that of […]

  • Scratch on the surface of metal chassis

    Scratch on the surface of metal chassis

    1.The factors causing the scratch on the processing surface of sheet metal chassis are relatively complex and revolve around the whole process of commodity manufacturing, but they can be generally divided into two categories: one is the scratch of commodities during production, and the other is the scratch caused by freight logistics in the production […]

  • Sheet metal operation enclosure

    Sheet metal operation enclosure

    The working casing is generally used in the environment with poor conditions. There are many places such as noise and dust in sheet metal processing plants. The part of the machine board is divided into two parts, which are represented in the form of a basic CPU card. Foreword: the working machine is generally used […]

  • General inspection standard for sheet metal chassis

    General inspection standard for sheet metal chassis

    The sheet metal chassis is not allowed to be tilted or partially tilted with the naked eye. The verticality between the frame column and the base is less than 1.5mm. During the inspection, the upper surface of the base is taken as the benchmark, and the inner edge surface of the upper end of the […]

  • Sheet metal network cabinet

    Sheet metal network cabinet

    Network cabinet is a rectangular cabinet composed of frame and cover plate. It can install switches, optical fiber adapters, optical fiber distribution frames and other equipment in one cabinet. It has the properties of electromagnetic isolation, noise isolation, ventilation and heat dissipation, anti-vibration, anti-corrosion and so on, and can ensure the stable and reliable work […]

  • Which is better, metal shell or plastic shell of electronic products?

    Which is better, metal shell or plastic shell of electronic products?

    The shell metal of electronic products is better. Relatively speaking, the metal shell is resistant to falling and more durable. The stainless steel shell has the advantages of dirt resistance, strong metal texture, good sealing, better sound quality, strong plasticity, oxidation resistance, low processing difficulty, short construction period, cost saving, etc; Plastic is not resistant […]

  • Steel battery bracket

    Steel battery bracket

    In the early days, square batteries were mostly steel shells, which were mostly used for mobile phone batteries. Later, due to the low weight specific energy of steel shells and poor safety, they were gradually replaced by aluminum shells and soft packed lithium-ion batteries. However, in the column battery, there is another scene. The vast […]